

​​的 Art Department 在崔 offers a rich artistic environment where you can develop into artists and designers versed in core foundational art skills, prepared for employment and leadership in a variety of artistic professions. Engaging 教师 emphasize artistic excellence, creative expression, and lifelong learning. Visiting artists’ exhibitions and lectures inspire students to understand the role of the professional artists in the contemporary art world.

2023-2024 Gallery Exhibitions

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视觉艺术 关注的焦点

  • 莎拉Dubbeldam


    "Concordia was so formative to me and really positive. I was grateful to be there and wanted to get everything I could out of it."

  • 克里斯蒂娜·沃格特


    "My experience 在崔 was one that I’ll never forget...的re’s something about the people at Concordia that’s genuinely kind and empathetic."

  • 里约热内卢中曾根弘文


    里约热内卢中曾根弘文 '17 was born and raised in Japan by fashion designers who owned a chain of women’s clothing stores. At CUI, he gained the skills to become a graphic designer for a hot brand back in Tokyo. More important, he learned the art of effective communication.

  • 劳拉梅雷迪思


    "的 art education that I received 在崔 has been crucial to my success thus far. I am so thankful that Concordia gave me the foundation I needed to pursue my dreams of working in animation and living abroad."



的 猛禽的 is an annual journal which showcases work being done in 创意写作 and art by 欧文康考迪亚大学 students, 校友, 教师 和工作人员. 除了, it provides students from both the English and Art departments a hands-on experience working collaboratively to produce a quality literary and arts journal. Students are involved in every aspect of the production from the call for submissions, to the selection of creative work and the design of the journal. 的 publication of 的 猛禽的 is made possible with funding from the Office of the Provost.


请求 信息

If you're interested in learning more about Concordia's undergraduate degrees and academic programs in the Arts, please submit the following 信息rmation, and an admissions counselor will contact you.
